How to Pour Nitro Homebrew Beer at Home

This blog provides information for educational purposes only. Read our complete summary for more info.

nitro beer setup guide

This is a complete guide to the equipment one will need to pour nitrogen beer from a home tap system (kegerator, keezer, etc). We'll list the equipment we recommend below as well as an explanation for why the particular equipment is needed. Nitro stouts, nitro milk stout, nitro porter and more are easier to serve at home than one might think! Let's get to it.

Nitrogen Home Brew Equipment Summary

If you haven't watched the video yet, make sure you do that before reading the detailed descriptions below.

Nitro Tap

The most obvious thing you'll need is tap (faucet). It's slightly different from CO2 beer taps in that it provides for greater flow, so the nitro beer pours correctly, it points straight down, as opposed to an angle, and the handle can be pushed backwards or forwards to serve beer. Here's the nitrogen beer tap / faucet we recommend.

Serving Hose / Clamps

Any serving hose / draft line will do, but this one should be sized correctly and work well. Remember to get hose clamps as well.

Ball Lock Fittings

We've tried many brands of plastic ball lock fittings and have had so many problems that we're over it. Metal fittings are quite a bit more expensive, but we believe they're more reliable and more durable. So, here are the stainless ball lock fittings we recommend.


Any keg will do but we typically use "Old Ale" NSF certified kegs. They're reliable, the lid size works well with universal fit replacement products, and the liquid dip tube is notched (which keeps it from spinning when ball lock fittings are tightened). Here's a link to our preferred brand of homebrew beer keg.

Nitro Keg Lid

Replace the standard lid that comes with your keg with a nitrogen lid that includes an extra gas tap (it will make adding a diffusion stone easier). For that, we recommend buying this nitrogen keg lid. Also, replace the diffusion that comes standard with the nitrogen keg lid with one that has slightly smaller pores. Here's the diffusion stone we recommend.

Gas Line / Clamps

A gas line and clamps will be required to connect the keg to the gas tank. Here's a gas line with hose clamps included.

Nitrogen Pressure Regulator

Even if you initially only plan on having one nitro tap, we recommend this nitrogen gas pressure regulator. Trust us, after you realize how amazing it is to pour nitro beer at home, you're going to want two!

Nitrogen Tank / Beer Gas

We recommend buying your tank from your local gas distributor and NOT buying one online.

Portrait of Kyle Brown

Kyle Brown is the owner of Clawhammer Supply, a small scale distillation and brewing equipment company which he founded in 2009. His passion is teaching people about the many uses of distillation equipment as well as how to make beer at home. When he isn't brewing beer or writing about it, you can find him at his local gym or on the running trail.

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