Moonshine News
Clawhammer Supply has officially made it to the big time. We're featured in the April, 2014 issue of Popular Mechanics. Fittingly, we made it into the "bikes and beer" section. We love both bikes and beer and we're proud to help them take that little section to the next level by featuring some distillation equipment. To pick up a copy of the issue, visit the magazine isle of your local grocery store or head on over to the Popular Mechanics website.
Here's what they had to say:
Neighbor acting smug about making his own beer? His hobby might require basic chemistry smarts - yours takes chemical and mechanical prowess. You can order everything you need to build your own mountain-dew-maker at clawhammersupply.com - the site even has a primer on the legality of moonshine, which really is worth reading. All you need is a plumbing torch, soldering tools, and a free afternoon.
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