American Wheat Lager - Homebrew Recipe

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American Wheat Beer Homebrew RecipeOur friend Sarah Flora of Flora Brewing joined us to make an American Wheat Lager. This is a recipe for a light, refreshing, citrus & fruit-flavored beer. Unlike a German Wheat Beer, an American Wheat Beer uses a clean ale or lager yeast that doesn’t give any banana or clove flavors in the final product. This is a clean fermenting, low abv beer that we absolutely love. Is it the perfect summer sipper? Read on to find out.

This recipe is for a 5-gallon batch and is tailored for our 10 gallon 120 volt brewing system. Watch us use it in the video below.

Full Brew Day Video


  • OG: 1.043
  • FG: 1.007
  • ABV: 4.73%

Ingredients Needed


  • 3 lbs 9.6 oz - Pilsner Malt
  • 3 lbs 9.6 oz - Red Wheat Malt
  • 1 lbs - Rye Malt
  • 12 oz Vienna Malt


  • 1 oz - Saaz
  • 2 oz- Citra


  • WLP830 - German Lager Yeast

Brew Day Instructions


Fill your kettle with 7.13 gallons (27 Liters) of water. Add a Campden tablet to remove chlorine. You will want a yellow balanced water profile for this beer. The profile is below.

  • CA - 50
  • MG - 7
  • NA - 5
  • S04 - 75
  • Alkalinity - 154


Crush your grain. We recommend double crushing for maximum efficiency. Heat your water to 152 F (66.7 C) and mash for 60 minutes. Check the pH of your mash 5-10 minutes in and adjust to around 5.4.


Once your mash is done, pull your grains, hook them above your kettle, and let them drain for about 10 minutes. While you’re waiting, set your controller to 100% of power in order to start a boil. This recipe calls for a 30-minute boil. The hop schedule is as follows.

  • 5 minutes - 1 oz of Saaz / 2 oz of Citra

Yeast & Fermentation

After a 30 minute boil, chill your wort down to room temperature in order to pitch your yeast. We decided to split this batch in two - We pressure fermented 4 gallons and traditionally fermented about 1.5 gallons. Since we only had one pack of yeast, we transferred all the wort into a bucket, pitched the yeast, and aerated. Then, we siphoned 4 gallons into a keg and left the other 1.5 gallons in the bucket. 

We pressurized our keg to 14 PSI and let it sit at room temperature for about a week before putting it into a lager fridge (48-55 F or 8 - 12C). Our keg has a floating dip tube, so as long as our beer stays cold, we don’t need to transfer it into another keg off of the yeast.

We traditionally fermented our bucket by putting it into a lager fridge for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks we increased the temperature to around 65F (18C) for a diacetyl rest. After a 3 day diacetyl rest we lowered the temperature to 35F (1.6C). We kept our beer at 35F (1.6C) for around 3 weeks.


Right when we poured this beer the color really stood out to us. Finishing with a strong golden hue, this beer is a treat for the eyes. The aroma was super fruity, we picked up passionfruit and guava. When we tasted it, we were delighted to find out that the fruit carried through into the flavor with citrus being the most prominent flavor. The body was super light and with an ABV of 4.73% this is definitely a perfect summer sipper! If you brewed this comment below and let us know how it turned out.

Portrait of Kyle Brown

Kyle Brown is the owner of Clawhammer Supply, a small scale distillation and brewing equipment company which he founded in 2009. His passion is teaching people about the many uses of distillation equipment as well as how to make beer at home. When he isn't brewing beer or writing about it, you can find him at his local gym or on the running trail.

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  • M
    Comment Author: Marius

    Hi. Im making this summer sipper right now.
    This ffriday its bin in fermenting for 3 weeks on 11c (used the lallemann Diamond lager yeast) did not get my hands on the whitlabs you guys where using. I am Gonna bottel this batch andre womdering if i do Thatcher oftere the 3 Day rest on 18c ore arter the final 3 weeks on 1.6c (ny bet is tatt it at this point cant be a lot of Activision yeast left.

  • TH
    Comment Author: Tony Hamric


  • SS
    Comment Author: Scott Smith

    did i miss something? Is there a bittering hop addition? or just the 5 minute addition at the end?

  • M
    Comment Author: Matt

    I Brewed this just after Christmas following the same recipe except I used Pale ale malt.

    Overall one of the best beers I made to date. I kegged at week 3 after pressure fermenting at 16PSI @ 65F. I tapped my first keg at 5 weeks and was a great tasting beer and the citra was much more distinct.

    I just tapped the second keg of it and the cirta aroma has fallen off a bit compared to the first keg.

    Overall this will get brewed again in a couple weeks and again this summer.

  • P
    Comment Author: Paul

    Did the pressure fermented beer tasted as good as the normal fermented beer? Im keen on trying the pressure ferment. But don’t want to lose any hop flavour/aroma. Also How long did you lagerEd it? Cheers