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January 10, 2019
Last updated

Tiny Bottom Pale Ale Homebrew Beer Recipe

Owner of Clawhammer Supply
Tiny Bottom Pale Ale

This is a recipe created by Marshall Schott of the homebrew website Brulosophy. The guy's brewed hundreds of beers and runs a site about brewing. He even has a brewing podcast. We figured, if anyone's got a good homebrew recipe, it's likely to be him. So we reached out to Marshall and asked him for one of his favorites and this is what he gave us. Spoiler alert: It's delicious.

Tiny Bottom Brew Day Video


We started with 7.64 gallons (28.9 liters) of Asheville, NC city water and made a few minor adjustments, which will be different for you depending on what kind of water you're using.

filling kettle with water

Filling kettle with water


Here's the detailed grain bill for this recipe.

  • Pale Malt - 8lbs, 8.2oz. (3kg 861.2g)
  • Crystal 10 - 11.7 oz. (331.7g)
  • Vienna - 11.7 oz. (331.7g)
  • Victory - 8.5 oz. (241g)
  • Crystal 60 - 5.3 oz. (150.3g)


We did a single step mash at 152 degrees Fahrenheit (66.7C) for 60 minutes and did not sparge.

mashing in

Mashing in

pulling grains after a 60 minute mash

Pulling grains after a 60-minute mash


We used the following hop amounts at the times listed below during a 60-minute boil.

  • Magnum - .6 oz (17.01g) at 60 minutes
  • Perle - .5 oz (14.17g) at 25 minutes
  • Fuggle - .5 (14.17g) oz at 10 minutes
  • Fuggle .5 (14.17g) oz at 2 minutes

boiling wort

An aggressive boil is not recommended, a rolling boil like this is best

adding hops to hop basket

All hops were added to the hop basket

Yeast and Fermentation

This beer came to life with the help of San Diego Super Yeast by White Labs.

pitching yeast

Pitching yeast

We fermented at 66F (18.9C) for 4 days and then let the beer come up to room temp naturally and then sit for another 5 days.

putting beer into fermentation chamber

Putting beer into fermentation chamber

We cold crashed and added gelatin, then kegged. Note: the original recipe called for whirlfloc at 15 mins, which we forgot, which is why we added gelatin.

Kyle Brown is the owner of Clawhammer Supply, a small scale distillation and brewing equipment company which he founded in 2009. His passion is teaching people about the many uses of distillation equipment as well as how to make beer at home. When he isn't brewing beer or writing about it, you can find him at his local gym or on the running trail.

  • Just finished mashing it, all fermenting now. My SG was 1.048 (from 27l starting water, ended up with 25l). Ph was 5 so I added a little yeast nutrient too. I’ll wait for 4 to 6 days then I’ll transfer into another vessel for secondary fermentation, half will be bottled and half kegged just ready in time for Christmas.

    Posted by Keith on November 25, 2020
  • Just finished mashing it, all fermenting now. My SG was 1.048 (from 27l starting water, ended up with 25l). Ph was 5 so I added a little yeast nutrient too. I’ll wait for 4 to 6 days then I’ll transfer into another vessel for secondary fermentation, half will be bottled and half kegged just ready in time for Christmas.

    Posted by Keith on November 25, 2020
  • Is this a 5 gal final product recipe? It says you started with 7.64 gallons, but not what you ended up with.

    Posted by Damon Theron on February 06, 2019
  • Did your basket come with your kettle, or did you have it custom made? I have been looking to purchase a basket for my 10 gal. Kettle.

    Posted by david on January 25, 2019
  • Just ordered the ingredients. Stoked to brew this as my first AG BIAB BREW. CHEERS!

    Posted by Michael on January 20, 2019
  • Awesome video. In it you mention different boil off rates for each of your controllers. What are they and how do you calculate how much water to use?

    Posted by Jack on January 11, 2019

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